能源 storage: How businesses can support power system flexibility for a renewable-powered future

WBCSD has been at the forefront of supporting companies in accelerating the deployment of renewable power solutions through 购电协议(PPAs). 随着世界继续向可再生能源过渡, the imperative for adaptable supply and demand within power grids is becoming the next key area of focus. 本文将深入探讨可再生能源占比高的电网的未来, and particularly looks at the role of businesses in integrating energy storage solutions (ESS) to increase grid flexibility. It offers valuable insights learned from our work in India to illustrate their commercial viability.   

发表: 2023年10月23
作者: Surbhi Singhvi, WBCSD能源转型经理
类型: 洞察力

Businesses have a lot to gain from implementing ESS due to their ability to provide access to renewable power closer to the time of power consumption. ESS can specifically enable energy users not only to source a higher share of renewable power in their own portfolio and hence achieve their net-zero targets but also in getting closer to 24X7 sourcing of renewable power, 确保电网灵活性的关键是什么.   


的 increasing adoption of renewable power resources is driving a remarkable transformation of the global energy landscape. 根据 国际能源署(IEA)到2025年初,可再生能源将成为全球最大的发电来源. This highlights a significant milestone in the effort to achieve carbon-free power systems and limit the impact of the climate crisis. 

在可再生能源领域, 挑战在于太阳能和风等能源的间歇性. 因为这些资源取决于天气状况, 它们的可用性是波动的, 这使得稳定的供应难以管理. 除此之外, 各个部门的电气化, 包括运输和工业, 增加电力需求的可变性. 为了解决这个问题, power grids need to adapt to become more flexible and accommodate the ebb and flow of renewable power generation. This transformation is pivotal in ensuring the steadfastness and resilience of our power systems as we progress toward a greener energy landscape. 

根据 专家, achieving a net-zero world by 2050 through the adoption of variable renewable power supply requires grid flexibility – the power system's ability to respond to changes in supply and demand on an hourly basis – to quadruple. 基于可再生能源的现有增长, 主要经济体,比如美国, 欧洲联盟, 预计到2030年,中国的灵活性需求将增长40%左右, 其中印度最为突出,预计增幅最大,约为60%. 

Solutions for balancing the future power system architecture include flexible power plants on the supply side, 需求响应和能量存储. 估计 forecast that energy storage can meet over 50% of the global power system's flexibility needs by 2050, as it helps balance out supply variability while enabling greater consumption of self-generated renewable power by consumers and reduces the need to feed excess electricity back into the grid. 


印度正处于能源革命的边缘. 作为世界第三大电力消费国, India’s government announced its ambitions to achieve net-zero emissions by 2070 and secure 50% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030. 的 国际能源机构预测 that India’s grid flexibility needs are the highest in the world as the country’s needs are fast evolving.  

采用ESS以支持电网的灵活性, 存在一些监管和市场障碍,包括高成本, lack of availability of power generation and consumption data at a granular level and inadequate market design. 在这个转变中, 印度是一盏指路明灯, 作为政策制定者, 监管机构和企业已逐步采取措施加快采用ESS.  

  • 印度的法规要求公用事业和商业配电 & 工业(C&1)到2030年,消费者4%的电力来自储能. 这项任务为市场发展提供了必要的初始需求信号. 
  • 降低电池储能系统(BESS)的成本, 印度的政策制定者已经制定了一个 生存能力缺口资助计划 预计到2030-31年将开发4gwh的BESS项目. 的 objective is to make stored renewable power a commercially viable option for managing peak power demand across the country.  
  • 资源充足指引 and Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC) put a renewed focus on integrating renewable power into sector planning and fulfilling resource adequacy using energy storage solutions. 根据这些, distribution utilities will develop a scientific integrated resource plan to have an adequate supply of generation or demand-responsive resources to serve expected peak demand reliably over the next 5-10 years. 
  • Several Indian companies including JSW Group and Tata Group are setting up renewable power projects clubbed with ESS to source round-the-clock power for their operations.  


水务署一直积极推动在配电网及C&印度的消费者. 我们的 最新的研究结果 以当前成本计算, 在印度,将ESS应用于以下应用已经具有商业意义: 


管理电网电力需求高峰时段, 一年只发生几个小时, 这是一个具有挑战性和昂贵的努力吗. 在印度,传统上使用燃煤电厂来满足高峰负荷. 除了它们的高碳强度, a drawback is their inability to frequently increase or decrease power generation to balance the need in real time. ESS, 另一方面, can efficiently store excess power generated during low demand periods and deploy this power almost instantaneously during peak hours to alleviate strain on the grid and avoid costly peak demand charges for C&I消费者和配电设施的基础设施升级. ESS不仅提高了电网的稳定性,而且有助于提高电网的整体效率, 促进更具可持续性和弹性的电力生态系统. 


频繁的电网中断给许多行业带来了重大挑战, leading to escalated expenses from the use of diesel generators or revenue losses due to production downtime. ESS pose an innovative and cost-effective alternative by storing renewable power for use during grid outages, 大大减少对柴油发电机的依赖. 通过采用ESS, 公司不仅可以降低运营成本和复杂性, 同时也减少了碳足迹, 朝着可持续性和效率大步迈进. 

其他应用的ESS配电设施和C&I用户可以在 完整的报告


当我们展望未来, 能源储存是释放可再生能源真正潜力的关键盟友. 企业有一个绝佳的机会通过拥抱ESS来引领潮流. 而政府则通过政策和监管框架为ESS奠定基础, 企业应该开始对业务案例进行分析. By accessing and analyzing granular data on power consumption and generation and identifying suitable applications for ESS deployment, 公司可以学习理解采用ESS的商业可行性, and how it can improve their bottom line while supporting in achievement of ambitious renewable power procurement targets. ESS, 通过增加可再生能源的可用性, would also prove critical in decarbonization of energy sources beyond power by supporting production and use of green hydrogen and electrification of heating and cooling in industries and buildings.   


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